Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Dollars and sense

The almighty dollar to the rescue

 In a somewhat surprisingly turn of events, all of the protests planned by Trump supporters this past weekend fell to the ground with a resounding thud.  The Million Militia March in Washington, D.C. atracted...wait for it...zero protesters.  Most of the marches set to take place in all fifty capitals didn't, and the ones that did often attracted fewer participants than reporters assigned to cover them.

There have been any number of reasons surmised for this--MAGAs disappointed by Trump's supposed capitulation in light of the attacks on the capitol building, any number of them who might not like the election's outcome but aren't willing to kill their fellow Americans over it, or even folks who realize deep down that we all lose if our government is overthrown.

My own feeling is much more simple--thus far, (as near as I cal tell) everyone who has been identified as a bad actor in the D.C. insurrection that had a job with an actual employer has lost that job.  The business world has been unified (other than the My Pillow idiot) in its opposition to the D.C. terrorists, and My Pillow can only hire so many people.  Trump supporters are realizing that bad actions have consequences and one of them is curtailing your ability to put food on your family's table.

Frankly, "President Joe Biden" sounds a whole hell of a lot better to most folks than "my kids are going hungry."

410,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Certified Tally--Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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