Saturday, January 2, 2021

Not too clever by half

Be careful what you wish for...

 When I was in college I sent a letter to the editor to The Kokomo Tribune (a staunchly conservative newspaper that was happy to print opposing views) in rebuttal to another letter extolling the virtues of conservatism.  It was a well reasoned letter, full of what I had learned in my time at Indiana University at Kokomo, and it, too, garnered a rebuttal.  The gentleman who responded to my letter was happy to admit that I was smarter than he was, but in effect said he'd rather be stupid so he could continue to believe what he believed, even if it was wrong.

I note this not because I wish to make fun of conservatives--I don't think I'm being mean when I say that many conservatives wear stupidity like a badge of honor.  They're proud to be stupid.

Unfortunately, being stupid can have its drawbacks--an easy example is how republicans vote again and again against their best economic interests by voting for candidates who have done everything possible to make sure their voters make less money and have less benefits so that rich people can have even more money they don't need (i.e., how much better can they eat?).

It appears that on January 6th, better than 150 republicans are going to reject the Electoral College vote of several states that did not cast its votes for Donald Trump.  This is a hopeless gambit, and all but a handful of the politicians backing it know it to be such.  But a vast majority of Trump supporters are not smart enough to know the difference between bread and bullshit and will believe they are being cheated out of their candidate of choice for President.  That, in fact, Congress should be able to overturn the will of 81 million voters.

What they don't know, is that Donald Trump is an idiot, and even if such a ploy could have been pulled off, Trump has nowhere near the smarts to be the one to do it (nor to surround himself with people who are).  But I can guarantee you that at some point in our history there will be a Presidential candidate who is smart enough to do it, and the odds are tremendously good, based upon the theory that Democrats tend to be much smarter than republicans, that it will be a Democrat who is first to overturn the will of the people.

My only regret is that I probably won't be alive to see their Trump ruse blow up in their faces and therefore will miss a much needed opportunity to laugh my fucking ass off.

358,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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