Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Classless to the end


Say goodbye to Don, Melania, and the kiddies

I'm sure that Jimmy Carter was disappointed when he lost to Ronald Reagan in 1980.  Still, Carter conceded, attended Reagan's Inauguration, and his wife Roslyn gave Nancy Reagan the customary White House tour.  Likewise, I'm sure George H.W. Bush was unhappy that he lost to Bill Clinton.  But like Carter, he conceded, attended Clinton's Inauguration, and his wife Barbara gave Hillary Clinton the White House tour.

It's about respect for our fellow Americans and the following of political traditions that have served our nation well.  It's about respecting the peaceful transition of power which we've celebrated for over two hundred years and is a hallmark of our democracy.  Hell, it's about having the maturity to accept defeat.

But not Donald Trump.  Not only did he fail to concede an election he lost handily, he couldn't be bothered to stay for today's inauguration.  He couldn't muster the slightest bit of decency to mention Joe Biden in his farewell address.  His wife Melania couldn't show the slightest courtesy to Dr. Jill Biden.

If Trump had handled the pandemic with a modicum of competence, chances are, even with all the other horrors of his Presidency, he probably would have won.  Had Trump surrounded himself with talented people, he might have had a better response to the pandemic and won.  

It's not Joe or Jill Biden's fault that Trump lost.   He need only take a good look in the mirror to see the only person who is to blame for his historic loss.

416,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence


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