Truth to power
On Friday I posted a cartoon about what the First Amendment Right to Free Speech actually means because...I knew the Trump traitors would be pitching a fit over his lifetime ban from Twitter.
I note this because world renowned actress Kirstie Alley
posted her own tweet this weekend that said Trump's ban was tantamount to slavery.
For those not familiar, Alley is an actress who was fortunate enough to be cast in the latter years of a sitcom that many consider one of the best ever,
Cheers. Having been a fan, I can assure you that while Alley had her fans, she was not the reason most folks tuned in to the show--she had a minor role in a very popular show. She followed that up with a show (
Veronica's Closet) that was a part of NBC's ratings juggernaut Must See Thursday for its first two seasons, which caused it to be a top ten show. After being removed from the Thursday lineup, the show crashed and burned (#86) and so did Alley's career. All of this is a polite way of saying the obvious: Alley is not Meryl Streep and can, frankly, thank luck for much of her thespian success. This, in and of itself, is fine--some folks win the lottery, most of us don't.
But it begs the question why anyone would care what Kirstie Alley thinks about anything, let alone a subject (politics) for which she has no known experience or educational knowledge. Outside of her knowledge of acting in television comedies, I can't imagine why anyone would care what she thinks.
And to make matters so much worse, she compared a business decision to slavery--which not only makes her sound incredibly stupid, but also like a cretin of a human being (because being banned from twitter is exactly equal to being owned by another human being, or having your wife and children sold to someone else, or having body parts amputated to prevent you from escaping an execrable existence).
In the end, though, what pisses Alley and other Trump supporters off so much is the the fact that Twitter (and Facebook, Instagram, Google, Amazon, and Apple) made the decision because their business model showed that a country led by idiotic right wing nut jobs was going to be so much worse for their bottom lines than a Biden Administration that they could live with the blowback, even if Biden and his Democratic allies raise corporate taxes.
They're having a sad because their little minds can't grasp the fact that even their capitalistic heroes in Corporate America are realizing that four years of Trump were a miserable fucking failure for America.
383,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence
Certified Tally--Biden: 306 EV's, Trump: 232