Thursday, May 14, 2015

Takin' care of business

Anybody out there get a 15% raise last year?

Anybody out there think your company's CEO is worth 374 times more than you are?

If you aren't a CEO of an American corporation, there is a rock solid chance you answered no to both of those questions (especially the first one).

And yet, the AFL-CIO in its yearly Executive Paywatch report revealed that while the rest of us were making do with less than a 3% increase in our pay, American CEOs enjoyed a 15.6% increase in 2014.  And in the midst of growing concern over income inequality, American CEOs went from a 313-1 ratio to their workers pay to a 374-1 ratio.

What the fuck?  At a time when we can't even get our (republican) Congress to consider a raise in the minimum wage to just ten bucks?

If there were ever statistics that proved the game is rigged, these are probably those statistics.  Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've yet to work for a company where the CEO wasn't at best a competent leader and businessman--and yet such executives are worth that much more than their workers?  Frankly, these sums are arrogance and egotism personified--sating the psyche of people who aren't nearly as good at what they do as their fantasies would have you believe.

Gonna make it kind of hard to have a lot of empathy for these folks when those pitchforks start a-swingin'....


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