Thursday, May 7, 2015

Huckabee Hound

Mike Huckabee, the surprise winner of Iowa's 2008 Caucus and wise man for not running in 2012 (it's hard to beat an incumbent), has become the latest to hop on the Bozo Bus that is the republican race for the Presidential nomination for 2016.  Huckabee, a pastor and former governor of Arkansas, is hoping to ride his evangelical cred and governing experience to the nomination....

Not so fast there, Mike.  Huckabee has a penchant for saying really dumb things, so together with Dr. Ben Carson he should provide much fodder for stand-up comedians and snide columnists until at least next January or so.  In fairness, Huckabee is somewhat of an economic populist (at least until Wall Street and Big Business start writing their checks as per usual for republican candidates) and vowed in his kick-off speech to keep Social Security intact.

Huckabee is unlikely to win the nomination (think climbing Mt. Everest--you might be able to do it, but chances are you never will), but I honestly think if he does that unlike Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Fiorina, and Carson that his loss to Hillary Clinton in the general will only be embarrassing rather than mortifying.

And that's really something for republicans to look forward to, ain't it?

How many more will come forward to plead their case for losing to Secretary Clinton?  Time will tell....


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