Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hey, let's have the dumbest kids, too!

In Michigan republicans never ending quest to see just how fast they can make folks flee our once bountiful state (e.g., rape insurance for our girls and women, right to work for less, raising taxes on seniors while cutting taxes for corporations and creating zero good jobs, shutting off water for the poor folks in Detroit), their minions in the corporate world are targeting our teacher unions (in wake of right to work for less laws that allow freeloading scum to opt out of paying dues to the union, but still get represented) in order to break them.

Anyone who doesn't believe that the ultimate goal here is to turn teaching into a minimum wage job is an utter fool.  One wonders, though, just what these assholes think will be the quality of the teachers educating our children at eight bucks an hour.

And therein lies the rub--they really don't give a shit.  They'll pay a few pennies less in taxes, and their kids are in Richie Rich private schools.

It's a win-win for the wealthy elite.


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