Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Whither journalistic curiosity?

The NSA spying revelations really aren't my forte (not that anything else I write about is, but you know...) but I found it quite interesting that Mike Rogers (R-MI)--my very own Congressman--Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) all were on Meet the Press and This Week with George Stephanopoulos this past weekend pushing the idea that Edward Snowden must have had help with the NSA leaks (most notably, from Russia) without producing a single shred of evidence to prove it so (in fairness to Feinstein, she at least admitted as much).

Both David Gregory and Stephanopoulos questioned the allegations--which to me seem of a bombshell type nature--but both seemed quite content to let the matter drop without pushing much harder than a dried leaf does against the wind.

What...the...fuck?  Really?  Three members of Congress make wild ass claims about foreign governments helping to leak our very own NSA information on national TV news shows and not one of these journalists jumps up and down like a fucking monkey screaming "Proof!  Proof! Proof!"

Thank God these fuckers weren't around during Watergate--Nixon probably would have been able to circumvent the Constitution and win a third term as President.


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