Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What about me?

Jesse Myerson wrote a piece for Rolling Stone which appeared this past week and, predictably, caused republicans to become apoplectic.  And just what did Myerson write of that caused republican heads to explode?  Five economic reforms, including guaranteed jobs (government infrastructure, etc.), guaranteed incomes (a la Social Security), and state banks (a la North Dakota) that Millenials should be fighting for--from listening to republicans, though, you would have thought Myerson gave Martha Washington a swift kick in the fanny instead of stating the obvious in the never ending struggle to survive economically in today's plutocracy.

As an old white guy, I, too, have a gripe with Myerson's piece.  Why should only Millenials be fighting for these reforms?  I may not live as long as most of them, but these reforms would make my remaining days a whole hell of a lot better, too.

If the Great Recession has shown us nothing else, it's that the free market will not provide adequate jobs and a living wage for the majority of working class Americans--and if it continues to refuse, it's worthless to us and we need to make sure we take care of our own.


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