Monday, January 13, 2014

Government for me but not for thee

A short while back I wrote about Rep. Jack Kingston, from the lame state of Georgia, and his idea that it wasn't enough stigma for children to just be poor, they should also push a broom to earn their government provided lunches.

Seems a local anchorman, Dave Kartunen, added up all the taxpayer money spent on meals for Rep. Kingston and his staff on overseas junkets (in the tens of thousands of dollars) and asked the congressman if this didn't constitute a free lunch as well.  To which Rep. Kingston responded that this was merely a case of "got you" politics and all the valuable lessons he learned from doing his chores (pretty certain, though, that his folks didn't make doing the chores a requirement for getting his lunch each day),

Amazing isn't it, for a guy from a party that just loves to scream about Liberal elites, the rank hypocrisy of Rep. Kingston who seems to think it's perfectly hunky-dory to suck on the government teat when American taxpayers are paying for his meals on his overseas vacations, but not so much when American children are going hungry.

Sort of like the guy believes his shit doesn't stink, don't you think?


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