Monday, January 20, 2014


You've got to get down on your hands and knees and give thanks every single day for the complete and utter tone deafness of the republican party when it comes to campaign issues in 2014.  For some odd ass reason, they still think the American public gives two shits about Benghazi.  In fact, Lindsay Graham is convinced Benghazi will haunt Democrats in 2014.

Um, no.  No, it won't.

Leaving aside the fact that unless it's a truly unpopular war (see Vietnam and Bush the Lesser's two misguided and/or mishandled wars) that Americans don't care about foreign policy, there's also the rather commonsensical notion that much like a policeman in a city like, say, East St. Louis, Il, the more dangerous the place you work, the more likely you are to be killed while doing your job.  I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying everything shouldn't be done to prevent it, but it's a simple fact:  being in a place where lots of people don't like you merely for who you are is a recipe for potential disaster.  And let's face it, at this point in its history, Benghazi isn't exactly Pleasantville.

I think for average Americans, whose response so far has been a colossal yawn, this is much more obvious than it seems to be to your average republican politician.


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