Thursday, January 23, 2014

There's nothing like a dimwit

Seems conservatives are tired of having to defend their constant fellating of America's wealthy, and have created what they're calling the Reagan Coalition to refute the, uh, facts about income inequality.

And nothing supports false refutations quite like using a brain-dead pathological liar as your mascot.

Want to know Ronald Reagan's real legacy?  It's right here, in New York City, where after the food stamp cuts last November, half of all food pantries ran out of food, and a quarter of them had to turn away hungry Americans, many of whom were children.  This was the direct result of republican control of the House of Representatives:  more Americans not having enough food and no where to turn.

Ronald Reagan's legacy is that it's now okay for republicans to hate the poor in complete transparency.  It's okay for republicans to let children go hungry because it's those damn kids own fault.  It's okay to not give the needy a hand up but a kick in the teeth.  And our better nature is not to love one another as we love ourselves, but prop up the wealthy at the expense of those in poverty.

Reaganomics is as big a failure in American history as the Edsel, the New Coke, and Gigli.

But at least they only resulted in a few executives getting fired and not record numbers of Americans ending up in poverty.


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