Saturday, January 25, 2014

Income Inequality--Ukraine edition

When I began writing this blog almost four years ago, it never dawned (perhaps naively as the computer world is still beyond me for the most part ) on me that anyone outside of the United States would much care what I had to say about American politics.

For whatever odd reason, that was not the case and over the course of the past year my pageviews from countries around the world have almost come to equal those I have in the United States.

One of these is the Ukraine, which is currently country number five on my pageview list, not surprisingly, as I often write of Income Inequality, and the Ukraine, along with the United States, Russia, and Lebanon is one of the four nations where Wealth Inequality is the highest.

Some months ago Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych turned his back on membership in the European Union which would have resulted in much good for the Ukranian people.  This led to a series of protests in December known as the EuroMaidan protests, which the good leaders of Russia helped to squelch.  Recently, laws were passed encumbering Ukranian citizens rights to assemble and the protests have begun again.

I just wanted to send a shout out to my Ukranian reader(s) wishing good luck and safety as they fight the good fight.

God bless.


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