Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What the fuck, squared exponentially

Dennis Rodman was a fine basketball player.  He was never one of my favorites, but he had a good career, and deserves his Hall of Fame status.  He is also a world class freak--it's not my cup of tea, but if he could make a few bucks by seeing how many metal objects he can ram through the skin on various parts of his face, competing with the Illustrated Man for most tattoos in world history, or wearing a wedding dress and marrying Elvira (or whoever the fuck it was he married), good for him.

Near as I can tell, though, Dennis Rodman does not have any bona fides in foreign relations, didn't major in foreign policy in college, and hasn't written any articles on foreign affairs, ever.  So can someone please explain to me why anyone, most especially The Ed Show and The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, waste two seconds of their viewers' time with a piece on his paid promotional trip to North Korea?  I mean for fuck's sake, I don't know much about the particulars of U.S. policy toward North Korea, but I know enough to know that a dildo head like Dennis Rodman knows absolutely nothing and should receive zero attention for his thoughts on the nation and its leader, Kim Jong Un.

It's one thing to point at a guy so hard up for exposure that he'd fellate a donkey on The Tonight Show, and a complete mockery to give air time to an idiot talking about a country that is in a class unto itself for its mistreatment of its people, especially its widespread famine and brutal torturing of thousands of political prisoners.


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