Monday, March 18, 2013

Two things they weren't discussing at CPAC

Wonder why they didn't have any panel discussions at this year's C-CRAP convention concerning....

The fact that as of right now, if Hillary Clinton decides to run for President in 2016, republicans may not see the White House until 2024, by which time Texas might well be blue, in which case, I may go the rest of my life without seeing a republican in the White House (oh, please make it so, Miss Hillary!).  Kudos, though, to Mitch McConnell, for comparing a Hillary campaign in 2016 to a rerun of The Golden Girls.  Because nothing garners the female vote like making fun of women for being older.  Do you suppose potential staffers for a Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign in 2016 and an Ashley Judd Senate campaign against Dolt McConnell in 2014 were drooling over that comment being on an endless loop during their possible campaigns?  I know I would be.

The second is that each and every month 100,000 seniors (60% of whom vote republican) die, and 67,000 Latinos (70% of whom vote Democratic) turn 18.  Those are some seriously ugly demographics for republicans, and unless they can figure out a way to a) keep people from being born, and b) keep people from dying (and good luck with both of those) there doesn't seem to be a lot of hope for the future of the party.

Needless to say, emaycee won't be throwing any pity parties for republicans anytime soon.


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