Monday, March 4, 2013

And the horse you rode in on

Seems one Stephen Olemacher of the Associated Press has thrown a pity party for America's wealthy with this piece on how much those poor folks have to pay in taxes compared to thirty years ago.  As is often the case with pieces written by folks who work for the Asshat Press, Olemacher fails to provide the contexts of a) the percentage of this country's wealth they own, b) the percentage of their salaries vis-a-vis the rest of us poor bastards, and c) the current percentage of their taxes as compared to the historical mean.

I write this conclusion for posterity only because I'll probably be gone when the economic revolution finally comes to America (and it will come--I work with many staunch republicans, all of whom realize that something's fucked up economically with America and it's only a matter of time before they realize that the problem isn't the government, but corporate America and the wealthy and join the rest of us who already realize that economically, the dice are loaded), but when the revolutions's leaders, tired of watching their children starve, begin executing the rich that they be reminded to execute their enablers, too.


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