Sunday, March 17, 2013

Poppin' Palin's bubblehead

The republican party has massive problems with women voters, non-white voters, and young voters--all of whom have many issues of importance to them--and at their yearly C-CRAP circle jerk they put Antoinette darling Sarah Palin on stage and she wants to make a big show of...fucking soda pop, specifically, the recent ban in New York City that was overturned by the courts.

In  nation suffering massive unemployment, sequestration cuts that are going to seriously affect the poor and the middle class, a debt crisis, and ever lowered living standards, Sarah Palin shows her irrelevance (and by extension, the republican party's) by discussing an issue that few people outside of the soda industry itself give two shits about.  I'm sure it got quite the cheer from the clueless 30% of Americans who call themselves conservatives (generally the same folks who believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed), but the rest of America had to have been scratching their heads and wondering, "I'm supposed to give a shit Sarah Palin took a sip from a soda cup because...?"

Whatever message Americans might have taken from the yearly conservative gathering (admittedly, not much anyway) will now be pushed back to page two thanks to a piss poor attempt at humor.  All a majority of Americans will remember is Sarah Palin sucking soda through a straw.

Well done, madame.  Bravo!


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