Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm not a fucking idiot...

...but I'd be a lot richer if I was.

Fresh off our victory in eradicating the word "Christmas" in all holiday shopping venues, it seems we Liberals are now setting our sights on, of all things, the Easter Bunny.  Because, you know, we Liberals like nothing better than depriving kids of their Peeps.

Somehow Bill O'Reilly went from our primal need for abortion on demand to our eliminating Peter Rabbit.  And the sad thing is how many people will believe it...without taking two seconds to actually think about it and how stupid it really is.

Because there are no Liberals who color Easter eggs with their kids.  Because there are no Liberals who have their children's pictures taken with the Easter Bunny.  Because there are no Liberals who set up a plate with carrots and a glass of water for the late night arrival of the Magic Rabbit.  Because all Liberal children wake up Easter morning just like any other day, with no Easter baskets, no chocolate rabbits, and no plastic eggs filled with jelly beans.

What it is, plainly and simply, is a simpleton making specious claims to take people's minds off the fact that the republican party hates the poor, the middle class, the LGBT community, and really has no answers for the problems that ail our nation, other than to do nothing and exacerbate all that is wrong with America.


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