Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The magical mystery illusion

One supposes that any person who decides to run for President must have some talent in the art of suspending reality.  After all, in the 225 years since we first selected a President, only forty-three men have held the office.  Of the more than three hundred million Americans living in the United States in 2012, only Barack Obama (and granted, many Americans are not eligible due to the age requirement) won the Presidency.  A candidate for the U.S. Presidency has a healthy skepticism of the odds.

And then you have one Jeb Bush, who isn't merely suspending reality, but is completely and utterly fucking blind to it.  After the release of his new book and television appearances, it seems the former Governor of Florida is considering a run in 2016--because after the failure of his father (one of only four incumbents to lose in the 20th Century) and the epic failure of his brother (one third of the Worst Presidents of All-Time Trinity, joined with James Buchanan and Herbert Hoover) the American people really want to elect another member of the Bush family.  What's his slogan going to be, "Vote for me, I'm not as incompetent as my Dad!"?  "Vote for me, I'm not as dumb as my brother!"?  I'd think even goofy republicans who never met a candidate that America hated that they couldn't support would have a hell of a time voting another Bush into office.

I know anything can happen in the next four years, but it'd take some seriously strong Kool-Aid for Jeb Bush's ass to ever get a seat in the Oval Office.


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