Friday, October 26, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #11--The First Debate

Going into this year's first debate, President Obama seemed poised to run away with this year's Presidential election.  After the President's debacle, the race moved slightly to Willard, then back to a close/tied race, and now shows a small lead for the President.

What the fuck?  Because of a debate?  One that most people thought Willard won on style more so than substance?  Are we really that shallow?  I mean for fuck's sake, people were willing to throw out a well-run campaign, a successful Presidency, and ignore Willard's badly run campaign, a bad republican convention, the fact that he's never really shown any kind of empathy for ordinary Americans because for one night, Romney looked like he might have Presidential stature? (And truthfully, it seemed to fade considerably after the last two debates.)

There's something inherently wrong as well about a man standing on a stage and flat out lying about his record, about his party, about his future decisions as President, and flip-flopping on what direction he is going to take the country in, about what his backers are going to let their lapdog do, knowing that more people are going to hear the lie than are going to hear the truth--and then rewarding that man for his dishonesty and intransigence by electing him President.

Being There was a cute novel/movie about a man who had no business being President accidentally becoming President.  There would be absolutely nothing cute about Willard Romney, a man who has no business being President, being elected President based on a performance that presented a false face, a lot of chutzpah, and showed an utter disdain for the intelligence of the American people.


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