Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #20--Lily Ledbetter

The very first bill President Obama signed was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, which basically overturned a rather bad Supreme Court decision, and allowed women to sue for pay discrimination within a realistic period of time (the Supreme Court had ruled that women had 180 days from the first discriminatory paycheck before the statute of limitations ran out, which meant, in effect, that if a woman found out about pay discrimination for the first time five years after the fact she couldn't sue).  The Democratic Congress decided women had 180 days from each paycheck to bring suit.  Sounds like a simple and fair enough law, right?

Nope.  Willard has yet to go on record in support of the act, even when given an opportunity to lie through his teeth like at last night's debate.  In a nutshell, what this means is that Willard thinks it's perfectly fine for corporations to pay women less than men for doing the same job.  And that it's perfectly fine to discriminate against women in equal pay as long as it doesn't happen in the first six months of her start date in her position.

What the fuck?  Romney's position is just another sop to corporate America, and we need more of them like we need more lima beans.

What we do need is to insure that women are paid equal to men fpr the same work, and the President's signing of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was a damn good start.


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