Sunday, October 21, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #16--George W. Bush

Anybody remember what happened the last time we elected a man who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, had most of his success because of a) being born wealthy, and b) his father's success, and had a spotty record in the previous governmental leadership position he had held?

Let me remind you:
  • In 2001 his administration fell asleep at the wheel and the tragedy of 9/11--and 3000 American deaths were upon us.
  • They proceeded to get us into the first war America has fought since WWII that was actually necessary and proceeded to run it as badly as a blind man drives a car.  Over 1000 American troop deaths and still counting.
  • As if one war wasn't enough, on the basis of faulty and completely erroneous information, they got us into a second war which went even worse than the first.  Combined, the two wars put a huge drain on the country's finances and we're still paying the debt (and will be for some time) for funds that could have been put to much better use.  Over 4000 American troops killed in this one.
  • Proving that being asleep was the one thing they were good at, his administration blew the run up and the response to one of the strongest hurricanes in our nation's history--Hurricane Katrina--resulting in the deaths of over 1000 Americans.
  • As if all of that wasn't bad enough, thanks to deregulation, a false housing bubble, and once again, falling asleep as they guided the mothership, the economy collapsed resulting in the loss of over five million jobs, nearly a fifty percent decline in the stock market, and a recession the likes of which this nation hasn't seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Of course, I'm talking about George W. Bush, POTUS 2001-2009.

And we really want to hand the keys over to his blood brother, Willard Romney?

Thanks, but no fucking thanks.


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