Saturday, October 20, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #17--Abortion

Seventy percent of the abortions in America are performed on women who live below the poverty level.  It is a proven fact, despite what the numbnuts who run the Catholic Church proclaim, that making birth control accessible and educating people about it will reduce unwanted pregnancies.

I have long believed that if the anti-abortion forces truly cared about the unborn, they would make every effort to reduce poverty in America and spend untold millions on educating Americans on birth control as well as making it available en masse.  I mean, if a million people were dying every year, and someone told me I could reduce that number to five hundred thousand  by following a few simple steps, I'd be right on it.  Doesn't mean I wouldn't keep fighting to make it zero, but a half million deaths is a lot better than a million.

You'll note that republicans, the religious right, and anti-choice zealots nationwide have done nothing of the sort.  The plain truth of the matter is that they don't give a rat's ass about the thousands of fetuses being aborted each year.  What they do care about is shoving their sexual mores down everyone's throat.

The same folks who are aghast because Government would presume to regulate greedy and haphazardly overseen corporations think it's just fine and dandy that the Government should abolish your right to choose, your right to birth control, and your right to enjoy the partner of your particular desire.  It's not just about abortion--there's a host of sexual issues that they hope to crush in the process.

So if you think sex is fun and was given to us by God to enjoy--vote for President Obama.  If you think it's dirty and for reproductive purposes only, vote for the prude at the head of the republican party.


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