Saturday, October 13, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #24--Iran

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is itching for a fight with Iran to stop their so-called nuclear program.  A close personal friend of Mr. Netanyahu is one Willard Romney.  Willard has installed noted hawk John Bolton, former Bush the Lesser U.N. Ambassador, as the head of his foreign policy team.  Radical right and religious right republicans have a major boner for Israel...because, well, Israel's in the Bible, and they're God's chosen people, well except for the U.S., and Jesus did some shit in that area, and...well,  you get my drift.

Mark these words:  Romney is itching for a fight with Iran, too, and if elected, it is only a mater of time before we are drawn into another war, for more than likely specious reasons, where thousands of American boys and girls will die (there will be no "Mission Accomplished" moment in Iran--there's a lot more of them, and unlike the Iraqis, who can't fight, and the Afghans, who are too divided to put up much of a fight, the Iranis will definitely exact their pound of flesh before the end game).  Another war where billions of much needed dollars for education, for health care, for taking care of the least among us, for our rapidly declining infrastructure will be diverted to help make rich men even richer and the rest of the country even poorer, just like Bush the Lesser and his two unnecessary wars.

President Obama is much more interested in diplomacy, and as has been recently reported, the sanctions are beginning to have the desired effect.  Obama has been a rock on foreign policy and after Willard's half-assed and factless premature ejaculation response to the embassy bombing in Libya, it's obvious he's not ready, nor will he ever be, for the "three a.m. call."

Do we really want thousands of American men and women to die, to waste billions and billions of dollars in another rich man's war?

I think not.


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