Friday, June 29, 2012

Well, so much for that

So I'm all prepared with my stats for why ruling Obamacare unconstitutional will be a disaster for America, I've got my Antoinette quote ready to go, I've got my future strategy all ready to go...and the Supreme Court upholds (most of) it.

As my father used to say, Fuck me to tears.

I'm sure the number of books, articles, and blog posts that will be written about why Chief Justice Roberts joined the court Liberals will be able to fill libraries eventually, and there are many people who have a much greater understanding and have done much further study on the law than I, but I think quite simply, the Court knew from the get-go they had to uphold this to prevent a legal quagmire over exactly what Congress can do, Roberts won a great concession with turning it into a tax question, and that Roberts took one for the team, like good leaders do (and gave Justice Kennedy's ass a rest as he's usually the one that has to side with the Liberals on social issues).

In the end, I'm not sure it matters.  It's good (from a perception standpoint), though not great, for Obama's re-election chances, but even more importantly, as even the often caustic Digby noted in her somewhat muted reaction, it helps millions upon millions of Americans to get better and more healthcare.



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