Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paranoia strikes deep

Why is it that it's almost always some Southern numbnuts--usually someone you wouldn't trust to take care of your pet when you went away for the weekend, let alone vote on legislation that affects your being--who calls some Democrat "stupid" or "idiot" (such amazing vocabularies these Antoinettes have!) when they are in truth, being political? 

Take Rep. Trey Gowdy (please!) from South Carolina (the state that puts the backward ass hick in backward ass hick) calling Nancy Pelosi  "mind-numbingly stupid" for saying the republican assault on Attorney General Eric Holder is motivated by Holder's fighting back against  republican voter suppression efforts.  Though I like Pelosi's reasoning, it seems to me to be a bit beyond their usual M.O.   Frankly, republicans like red meat and Holder is black, and the "Fast and Furious" controvery involves guns.  What more do the Antoinettes need?

And while we're being petty, as an FYI to Rep. Gowdy...Andy Warhol called and he wants his fucking haircut back.


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