Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spin the bullshit

Eight thousand fucking e-mails, god only knows how many blog posts, and NBC calls the Wisconsin recall in less than one fucking hour for Scott Walker.  And the spin has already begun.....

It was the money--probably the best argument, but won't change in the future.  Obama won the exit polls--whoopee, they only have five months to pour a zillion dollars into making him look like the second coming of Ted Bundy.  It's a long tough slog and we have to keep our noses to the grindstone--been hearing this bullshit for the last thirty years and we just keep losing.  Barrett was a lousy candidate, the Dems only had a month to prepare...whatever, whatever, whatever.

A little more than a year ago the Dems had thousands of demonstrators in the capital of Wisconsin--and they still managed to lose this election.  There is no good spin coming out of this--republicans are going to rightly celebrate and the theme for Democrats will continue to be that we're incompetent boobs.  There is nothing good that can be said about Scott Walker--he's done a horrible job creating jobs in Wisconsin, half his staff is being investigated for corruption, he'll probably be investigated for corruption, and it's not as if he's God's gift to campaigning politicians.  Hell, the guy isn't even likable.  And still we fucking lost.

You know Kos posted this picture earlier today--I don't know if it was to show how nutty republicans are or how passionate they are, but say what you will, I'll bet the sign the idiot is holding did a lot more to fire up republicans than a thousand blogs by our brainiacs.  We are losing this war and we are losing it badly, and if we continue to think we're going to win it by going all Martin Luther King with the nonviolence and that we're going to reason with voters to get them to see our point we are going to continue to lose, lose, and lose. 

There are no fucking moral victories in elections--there are candidates that are going to take care of the poor and the middle class, and there are those that aren't.  And if we can't figure out a way to get into voters hearts on this, we are going to continue to get our asses handed to us.

Coupled with last Friday's unemployment numbers, this is an utter disaster.


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