Sunday, May 20, 2012

A heartbeat away

After a whopping year and a half as a Senator, Marco Rubio--mind you, that's only a year and a half more as a Senator than I have, and I, at the very least, have a brain--has decried that President Obama is the most divisive figure in recent American history.

Let me the top of my head...Ronald Reagan for starting the class war that the poor and middle class have been losing for the last thirty years, Newt Gingrich and his Contract with (Corporate) America and impeachment of President Clinton, Lee Atwater and his racist ads, Karl Rove for just about everything he's done politically, George W. Bush and the politicization of 9/11, and Mitch McConnell for declaring his prime job to be defeating Obama in 2012.

I have many problems with President Obama, but the man has probably been the least divisive President in my lifetime.  His administration has been corruption free (despite republicans best efforts to drum up bullshit like Solyndra), he's bent over backward to work in a bipartisan fashion which has hurt him (and us) a lot more than it's helped, he's a model family man, and quite frankly, is a more decent human being than any republican on the planet.  The republican party has shown time and again that their only goal in Obama's Presidency is to be as divisive as they can be, the American public be damned.

Rubio?  The only thing he's proven in a year and half is that he's been a "Senator" is that he's far too ignorant to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.


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