Monday, May 14, 2012

Depressing, Part II

"Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats.  If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans."--Will Rogers

The above quote is one of those quaint little things we like to pat ourselves on the back for, all the while getting our asses kicked again and again by republicans.  Instead of discussing Obama's stance on gay marriage in a positive light--i.e., what it can do for Democratic victory in 2012, how it rallies the base, Digby wants to discuss semantics.

David Atkins on the other hand, takes a nice little piece of propaganda for the good guys and lets himself get all hot and bothered because we passed laws outlawing the banning of interracial marriage, but doggone it, we still have people who are prejudiced and the people who were against it were never held accountable.

We are not Jesus--we are not going to feed the multitudes with a handful of fishes and a few loaves of bread.  In a perfect world, Obama would take a strong stance on marriage equality and no one would be prejudiced.  That is not the world we live in, and the self-righteousness of Digby and Atkins doesn't do a goddamn thing to advance the agenda.

Over the past couple of years, we've had a chance to see what sweating the small stuff has gotten us--Gov. Walker in Wisconsin, Gov. Scott in Florida, Gov. Kasich in Ohio, and Gov. Snyder in Michigan.  It's also gotten us statehouses that are full of republicans free to pass their agenda because of overwhelming majorities because we "Progressives" would rather stand around and have a circle jerk of ideas.

Frankly, they can blow their self-righeousness out their asses:  I'd rather fucking eat.


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