Thursday, May 17, 2012

Glieben, Glauben, Globen

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck it means when someone says that a U.S. citizen's share of the country's debt is "$50,000?"  It's about as meaningful as saying the moon is made of cheese or that mermaids swim the deep blue sea.  This "debt" is never coming out of anyone's pocket and is merely some lame-ass republican effort to put the problem in terms most conducive to the dim-witted.

Besides, if these people were truly concerned about their kids and this "debt" they'd raise taxes on the wealthy so we could hire more teachers and put more Americans back to work on public projects which would increase the tax revenue.

But let's be truthful--the kids are the last thing on their minds.  Letting the wealthy get wealthier and propagating an American aristocracy is their only motive.


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