Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One of these things is not like the other

There isn't much I can add to this impassioned piece by Digby about those who complain about the Democratic wing of the Democratic party (us nasty little Liberals), but I do have a couple of points....

First, blurring the lines between what the Democrats represent and what the republicans represent is an affront to everything the Democratic party has accomplished over the last eighty years--from Social Security to Medicare, from Civil Rights to the Voting Rights Act, from the Minimum Wage to Healthcare Reform. America--and the Democratic party--has succeeded because we looked out for the poor, the working class, and the middle class. Any deviation is either chickenshit or idiocy and neither should be rewarded.

Second...can anyone imagine a republican suggesting the same about the radical right? No, because they're not stupid--the radical right donates the most money, works to get out the vote, and, most important, actually votes. Pissing off the left is going to result in less money, less GOTV efforts, and less votes; it's as productive as drilling holes in the bottom of a boat to help keep it afloat. Frankly, Pelosi needs to tell the blue dogs to sit down and shut the fuck up--their influence has cost us good programs, weakened the party, and we're better off without them.


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