Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good, God, no we don't...

The headline from old Nolan, "We need another Reagan." Unfortunately, he didn't complete the throught, which should have been " we need ten inch needles shoved into our nostrils and up through our brains." Another Reagan? What the motherfucking fuck? Why--hasn't the standard of living for the poor and middle class fallen enough? What--corporations don't screw us out of enough pay and benefits? Really--the gap between rich and poor isn't large enough yet? Bob Herbert hit the nail on the head: Reagan's true legacy is the lasting damage done economically to the poor and middle class. And it all began with his firing of the air traffic controllers in 1981--it emboldened corporate leaders who proceeded to get more and more and more money while their workers watched union influence fall with their wages, their benefits, and their well-being. The best thing that can be said about Ronald Reagan? That he's currently rotting in hell where he belongs. Peace, emaycee


  1. Could you tell President Obama that we don't need another Reagan? I don't think he knows that.

  2. Thanks--that's the best comment I've seen on any blog in quite a while....
