Sunday, February 6, 2011

Handbags and gladrags

Ends and odds... God I Hope Not, Dept.: You can't see it in this link, but in the print edition the subtitle to the article states, "Employers like flexibility, lower pay rates; workers happy to have a paycheck." Apparently, contract jobs are a real growth industry--and what's not to like, other than everything, about lower pay rates (usually 10% less) and less job security? And as long as we're just "happy to have a paycheck" I'm sure the downward spiral will continue. Sun Can't Shine on the Same Dog's Ass Everyday, Dept.: Every now and again, Old Nolan gets one right. For those not in the know, Mark Brewer is the chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party--the chairman who lead Michigan Democrats to historic defeats this past fall. Unfortunately, thanks to a party in disarray, Brewer is about to be re-elected to his post so he can lead us to further humiliating defeats in 2012. Unlike republicans, who canned Michael Steele despite historic victories this past fall because they rightly viewed him as a liability, the Democrats once again bow to chickenshit and saddle us with a radical republican government for years to come. Note to the Michigan Democratic Party: the check, so to speak, is in the mail (i.e., don't call us, we'll call you). Be Careful What You Wish, Dept.: Sorry, but I can't work up a lot of sympathy for the News' complaint about the Civil Service Commission recent decision to extend state workers' benefits to a roommate as a way around specifically designating benefits for a domestic partner because Michigan can't "afford" it. The Defense of Marriage Act wasn't enough--the bigots had to take away benefits for domestic partners, too. And sometimes, those fighting for fairness have to take matters into their own hands, much like Harry Truman did when he integrated the military in 1948. My guess is, had they left well enough alone, the citizens of Michigan would only be paying for domestic partners--now we get to pay for boyfriends, girlfriends, and just about anyone else a state worker can get under their roof. At least it's for a good cause.... It's a Fucking Car, Dept.: My absolute least favorite commercial these days is the one in which we're lead to believe you'll never forget your first Subaru, and your love of a woman is a distant second. CUE WRONG ANSWER BUZZER! A car is a fucking piece of moving metal; a good woman is a marvel and a treasure. And for the record, there's no beer on this planet that's as good as a good woman, either. Say It Ain't So, Dept.: While I can't say I'm surprised, the White Stripes, it was announced this week, have called it a career. One of my favorite bands of the last few years, always intriguing, great tunes, a band that makes Michiganders not have to be completely embarrassed by Kid Rock and Ted Nugent (okay, okay--Bob Seger, Motown, and Eminem do the same)...but the thing I'll always remember about them, is that shortly after my cooler than cool daughter introduced me to them with a copy of White Blood Cells, in which I fell in love with a song called, "Fell in Love With a Girl," I actually fell in love with a (beautiful) girl, and she's still mine. Good times.... Peace, emaycee

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