Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Time magazine named Adolph Hitler their Man of the Year, too

In other words, the average Fox viewer

 Besides news that Donald Trump actively tried to use the Justice Department to overturn an election he lost by eight million votes, the second biggest story from last week should have been that a major media organization, Fox News, sent one of their hosts, Tucker Carlson, to Hungary to pay homage to racist and fascist dictator Viktor Orban.  

Orban's regime is considered a kleptocracy, as (much like Donald Trump) the Hungarian economy has been rigged to send the lion's share of goodies to Orban and his closest associates.  In addition to rigging the economy in favor of the rich, Orban also conducted rigged elections which ensure his reelection in perpetuity (a la Vladimir Putin), shut off the border to all immigrants, turned all media into state propaganda engines, and jailed countless dissidents.  And Carlson--with aid from media mogul Rupert Murdoch--is putting Orban forth as a model for America's future government.  And no major news outlets think a billion dollar media empire venerating Orban's fascism is worthy of coverage?

What the fucking fuck.

Frankly, the folks at Fox News have gone so far over the line that it isn't enough for advertisers to just  boycott their opinion personalities, they should also be boycotting every TV station, TV Network, newspaper, and movie studio under Rupert Murdoch's control.  Fox News isn't interested in making America great again--it is actively advocating to turn America into Nazi Germany.

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