Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Monster, Inc.

Over the past week I've seen the above video posted a few times and I have to admit that it has pulled at my heartstrings a wee bit.  But what gets me the most about it is that a cartoon Frankenstein (albeit a very cool cartoon Frankenstein) can get our humanity right, but that Donald Trump can't, and frankly doesn't come close, or even try for that matter.

I have no idea how much money a TV writer makes, but you'd think the salary and prestige of being the President's speechwriter would enable the Trump administration to hire someone to put word's into the orange shit gibbon's mouth that make him sound somewhat as compassionate as Herman Munster, and not like, well...Hitler.  For Christ's sake, at least during an election year.

Of course, that's assuming that anyone in the White House actually gives a shit about ordinary Americans.

Which, come to think of it, if you aren't white and male probably isn't the case.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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