Sunday, June 28, 2020

Is this the end?

A metaphor for the Trump campaign?
News this weekend that Russian President Vladimir Putin was paying a bounty for the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan and that Donald Trump has known since March and done nothing about it...well, just when you think the Trump Administration has sunk as low as it can go, you find out it hasn't. (Though his tweet this morning--since deleted--of one of his supporters shouting "White power!" at protesters certainly tried to sink it even lower.)

Trump spokespersons predictably tried to claim that Trump hadn't been briefed (yeah, right) apparently without deducing that if Trump actually hadn't been briefed it either means his staff is unparalleled in American history in its incompetence or that intelligence officials didn't trust either Trump or Pence with the information.  Neither of which is much of a rallying point for the Trump campaign.

I hesitate to make predictions after the fiasco that was the 2016 Presidential Election, but at some point one has to wonder which beyond the pale straw it is that will finally break Trump's back.  As an American, I'd like to think that standing idly by while a sworn enemy of the United States is paying for the murder of our troops would be the one.  But it could just be that republicans are in so deep with Trump supporters that a serious ass whooping this fall is their only way out--or at least a way to reconfigure their party's ideals in light of Trump being the biggest republican loser in a generation

Fuck Donald Trump,

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