Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The farce be with you

Thanks to work requirements which command that people receiving food stamps work twenty hours a week or forfeit their benefits after three months for three years, over 500,000 Americans could be going hungry by the end of March.  Of the twenty-three states (all controlled by republicans--surprise, surprise) that have implemented these restrictions, exactly zero have either made exceptions for high unemployment rates or added programs to help their residents look for work.  Keep in mind that requiring people to work to receive assistance does not magically create jobs that aren't there--it just means that more Americans will go hungry for no good reason.

I note this not just because I'm outraged by the callousness of republicans, but also because I happened to see a chart of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2017, and 54% of it, or $622 billion, is devoted to defense spending while 1%, or $12.8 billion, is devoted to agriculture and food (which is where food stamps are allotted).

What do you suppose it says about a nation that spends over six hundred billion dollars on weapons and war machines but only slightly more than twelve billion dollars to feed the least among its citizens?

Somehow I don't think that's what the founding fathers had in mind when they called for "a more perfect union."


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