Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A blooming idiot

Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City and champion of stop and frisk as a legitimate tactic to fight the hordes of brown people overrunning our country, confirmed this week that if Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump win their respective nominations, or if Ted Cruz takes the republican crown, that he just might have to enter the race.  And that he'd be willing to spend a billion dollars of his own money on his election run.

Because, you know, nothing--absolutely nothing--says "man of the people" quite like a man who doesn't have the courage to enter the race for the long haul, acts like a petty child when someone he doesn't like wins the nomination, and then vows to spend a billion dollars of his own money to secure his election to the highest office in the land even though he doesn't have a pot to piss in when it comes to domestic policy initiatives or foreign policy chops.

And I can guarantee you that the last thing America needs is another namby-pamby arrogant rich prick telling us what's best for us.


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