Thursday, February 11, 2016

Much ado about nothing

For the record, I watched about five minutes of the coverage of Tuesday night's New Hampshire primary election results.  Once the projections were made (and nothing that was a surprise) it was on to bigger and better shows.  How the hell MSNBC spent the rest of the night covering it is beyond me--Christ, you could have called this one for Sanders and Trump three months ago.

That being said, boy was I surprised the next morning when everywhere I turned there were folks telling me that because 91% white New Hampshire had voted overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders that the revolution had officially begun.  I mean it's over--Hillary can pack her bags and head back to upstate New York.

This despite the fact that the two split the Democratic vote evenly in New Hampshire, the fact that there is absolutely nothing in the national polling that shows Sanders had made the slightest dent in Clinton's rock solid support among people of color, and that the next two primaries are in states that are approximately 60% white (South Carolina) and approximately 50% white (Nevada).  I appreciate the fact that campaigns have to spin their victories (a la Clinton turning an underwhelming victory in Iowa into a big win), and Sanders may well win the nomination, but it won't have anything to do with his victory last night

So wake me when the real revolution begins--Clinton won New Hampshire in 2008 and we all know where that got her:  the Secretary of State gig and an eight year wait for another shot at the oval office.


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