Monday, March 16, 2015

Reason #999 that we need Labor Unions

Take a peek at this:

Does anybody seriously believe that if fast food workers had a Union that four out of five of them would have suffered serious burns in the past year?  Or that one/third of all fast food restaurants wouldn't have something as simple as a first aid kit?  Don't kid yourself--this is a complete and utter lack of concern for a company's workers (not that unusual these days, but still).

And just where the hell do these companies come up with leaders who somehow think that a condiment you would slather on cold cuts is a suitable medical remedy for a burn?  Christ, what's next--bleeding with leeches?


1 comment:

  1. The thing that gets me about this, other than the complete lack of concern over workers, is that I once read mustard would help a burn. So I tried it once when I burned myself cooking. It didn't do shit. It felt good for about 3 seconds while the mustard was cold, but then my finger went right back to burning like a motherfucker. I mean, I'm broke, and I can afford some burn cream, so surely McDonalds can.
