Monday, March 30, 2015

And yet another reason we need labor unions

Check this out:  the Association for Responsible Alternatives to Workers' Compensation.

Or for short, the You're Gonna Get Fucked Once Again Both as a Worker and a Taxpayer for the Benefit of Rich People Society.

It's not bad enough that the bulk of the companies involved with this organization (to wit:  Wal-Mart, Safeway, Lowe's, Macy's, Whole Foods, Sysco Food Services) screw their workers by paying them a wage that can't lift them out of poverty, now they want to ensure that should you lose an arm or a leg or your sight while working that these greedy companies won't have to pay for their own culpability.  No, you will as your family plunges deeper into poverty while the American Taxpayer once again picks up the tab via Corporate Welfare.  In  nutshell, they want us to trust them to decide what's best for us after suffering an injury at work--not a doctor, not a neutral party, but the same people who don't give enough of a shit about their workers to pay a living wage.

Utterly un-fucking-believable.

And what kind of chickenshit legislator do you have to be to listen to these people?


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