Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Over the cuckoo's nest

Insane.  Nuts.  Bonkers.  Dotty.  Batty.  Wacko.  Delusional.  Bananas.  Haywire.  Daffy.  Deranged.  Off their gourds.  Out to lunch.  Off their rockers.

You get the picture--adjectives that best describe today's republican party.

To wit #1:  Thirty-four percent of republicans--for non-math majors, that's one out of every three--believe that President Obama is an imminent threat to America.  I'm not even sure there are enough words to describe the sheer lunacy of those who hold such beliefs.  Suffice to say, it doesn't just worry me that I have to share a country with these bozos, but that I have to share an entire planet and still won't be able to get far enough away from them.

To wit #2:  Not content with just the Benghazi bullshit to feed their conspiracy theory lust, conservatives are now floating a story that Nevada Senator Harry Reid's New Year's Day injuries were actually the result of his being beaten up by the Mafia.  While the link absolutely shreds the story, I myself have difficulty believing it because if the Mob had attacked Harry Reid, he'd have kicked the shit out of them.  Hell, he's been kicking the shit out of republicans for years and has had plenty of practice slapping around thugs.

Man, somebody really needs to keep the door to the rubber room closed....


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