Saturday, March 28, 2015

And the difference is?

So, Indiana "Governor" Mike Pence signs a law making it legal to discriminate against the LGBT community under the guise of religious "liberty," and a Hoosier restaurateur goes on the radio and announces that he already has discriminated against gays (showing what passes for courage in Indiana, he told the gay customers he couldn't serve them because his machines weren't working) and thinks because he owns his business he has a right to do whatever he wants.

While being interviewed, he gave neither his name nor the name of his business.

Can anybody tell me the difference between this guy and those gutless hatemongers of old who rode around on horses (and later, in cars) with white hoods on their heads spreading intolerance while proving to be a massive embarrassment to all that is good about America?

Because I sure don't see one.


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