Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fear of a mad black protester

And if they're not blaming President Obama for the deaths of two New York City police officers this past weekend, they're blaming people exercising their first amendment right to peacefully assemble,

New York Police Union President Pat Lynch said there was "blood on many hands tonight" including the protestors in his fair city.  (By the way, am I the only one who wonders if this overplaying of their hand by police union leaders makes unions as a whole look bad?)

Not to be outdone, Missouri Senator Roy Blunt said criticism of police tactics from his own constituents led to the deaths of the two police officers.  (Apparently Senator Blunt isn't happy with merely losing 95% of the African-American vote, he's shooting for 100%.)

The only action the protesters in Ferguson and New York City (and those across American who joined them) are guilty of is seeking justice.  The deaths of two men who did a job most of us want no part of and provide a service we all need is tragic--it is not a time to place blame where it doesn't belong.

But it's standard fare--think welfare queen.  Think driving while black.  Think stop and frisk.  Think black on black crime.  It's a whole hell of a lot easier to concoct bullshit about the messengers than it is to debunk their message.


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