Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do not pass go

Once again, the republican party is doing all it can to come to the rescue of the Democratic Party....

Thanks to John Boehner who today gave a pass to Rep. Steve Scalise, the republican whip and #3 leader in the House, for speaking before a hate group, European-American Unity and Rights Organization (its founder is former Klansman David Duke), in 2002.  Boehner called it an "error in judgment."

An extra-marital affair might be an error in judgment.  Hiring a staffer who is involved in some sort of corruption might be an error in judgment.  Losing one's temper and dropping an f bomb in a public forum might be an error in judgment.  Having a few too many and howling at the moon in front of a local reporter might be an error in judgment.

But speaking before a hate group?  Fucking please--Scalise is either so craven for votes that he sold his soul to a group of white supremacists, or (as we're being lead to believe) he's so stupid as to not have vetted a David Duke group before speaking to them.

Either way, it's a piss poor start for republicans and it probably only gets worse for them from here on out.


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