Saturday, March 29, 2014

What did you do this weekend?

Joe Biden, filling in for the traveling President Obama, used the President's weekly address to America to tout why we should raise the minimum wage.  Dannell Malloy, the Democratic Governor of Connecticut, on Thursday night signed a bill passed by the Democratic controlled legislature to become the first state to increase the minimum wage to $10.10.  Congressional Democrats are working on bringing votes on legislation aimed at increasing the minimum wage, reducing the pay gap between men and women, lowering the interest on college loans, and closing tax loopholes for corporations that do business overseas.  No, they won't pass, but at least we're trying.

Republicans, meanwhile, are spending this weekend kissing the ass of billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who is trying to figure out which one of them, by running for President in 2016, can help him add to his estimated $40 billion dollar net worth, and just for shits and grins, fuck over America's working class to boot.

I know the Democratic Party is a long way from perfect, but anybody who claims there's no difference between our country's two parties is either a scared shitless republican or not paying any attention whatsoever.


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