Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What a Dick...Cheney

In many countries, a politician who did as piss poor of a job as Bush the Lesser's henchman Dick Cheney (collpapse of the American economy, asleep at the wheel on 9/11, two mismanaged wars, yawning while hundreds of Americans died in New Orleans) would be, rightfully, drawn and quartered.

In American, though, you get to go on TV and whine that the President would rather spend money on food stamps than spend even more in our morbidly obese defense budget.  Apparently the irony of more than $100 million in food stamps going to our military families is lost on Mr. Cheney--spending for a necessary evil trumping spending for the greater good and all that.  Fuck hungry children--what we need are more $435 hammers.

Frankly, Mr. Cheney and his ilk are enough to make a maggot puke.


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