Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thanks for caring, Senator

While the Farm Bill of 2014 was being prepped for its final vote in the Senate, I sent my Senator, Debbie Stabenow, Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, a letter though The Daily Kos asking for the final bill to not contain $8 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.  After its passage, Senator Stabenow sent me a decidedly lame response in which she invoked the three people in America who have won lotteries who are scamming the system and claimed how much she wanted to help people who were in need of food.

She did not mention the 850,000 families who would lose $90 a month in benefits, nor the roughly one million children who would have even less food to eat thanks to her half-assed bill.

Rather incensed, I sent her a personal response, in which I asked why she was not honest about the 850,000 families who, thanks to her, were going to have even less food to eat each month while Agri-Business and the Koch Brothers (through Georgia Pacific) would receive millions in corporate welfare.  And that frankly, a handful of goofballs scamming the system was red meat for her conservative constituents, but that as a fellow Democrat, her claim was, well, rather unenlightened.

I received a response today from the Senator's office, and it was the exact same letter she had sent before. Apparently, in addition to becoming the first Democrat to ever oversee cuts to the food stamps program, she is also adept at hiring people who can't even bother to take the time to read letters from her very own constituents.

By the way, Senator, the next time you send me an e-mail asking for campaign contributions...the check's in the mail.


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