Friday, February 28, 2014

Living large on the minimum wage

If, by some miracle, Democrats are able to get a minimum wage increase to $10.10 through Congress (right about the moment my lottery numbers finally come in), it would mean that, for those lucky few who can actually find a forty hour a week job, they would make just a hair over $21,000 a year.

Let me repeat that:  $21,000 a year.

Now I know that republicans think that people making that kind of money, after a day of flipping burgers or stocking shelves with green beans, drive home in their Rolls to eat filet mignon and lobster tails while they watch Hawaii Five-O on their 75" TV screen, but you'd think members of the party that actually fights for a living wage for working class men and women would know better.

Not so, Senators Mary Landrieu and Mark Pryor.  Nope, they think that maybe raising it to such great heights is bad for...oh, I don't know, the Walton family and Olive Garden shareholders, and that perhaps we should not raise it quite so much.  Because, you know, $17,500 a year is still a quite the cache of cash.

And those folks can just learn to do without the lobster tails.


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