Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Incompetence or antipathy for their fellow Americans?

We have 7.5% unemployment (much higher if you count the hopeless and hopeful for more hours).  One in six Americans live in poverty.  Our roads, bridges, and schools are in terrible disrepair.  Twenty children were shot to death by a lunatic six months ago.  Income inequality between the rich and the poor in America are at historic highs.

So what do republicans in the House and Senate want to do?  Hold another series of votes to repeal Obamacare, which has a snowball's chance in hell of getting 51 votes (and more likely 60) in the Senate, and even less of a chance (if that's possible) of being signed by the man whose signature accomplishment the Affordable Care Act is, President Obama.  It's not bad enough that they've already wasted fifty million dollars of U.S. taxpayers money to accomplish even less than I do on my Sunday afternoon naps, they want to spend more of it to get the exact same result.

All of which goes to show that the republican party's only goal is to please that thirty percent of Americans who are gullible and ignorant enough to swallow their rich man's world view; as far as the other 70% of us are concerned, well, we can just flat out go to hell.


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